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  • Writer's pictureSritha N

Creating Meaningful Connections

This week I had two of my three required research interviews that will play a part in my mentorship search. My most notable interview was with Dr. Jennifer Gulick, an OBGYN that practices out of her own practice in Frisco.

One question that arose that I had not actually planned to be asked was her working situation and the differences between working out of a private practice or in a general hospital setting.

Dr Gulick describes her situation as she works in a practice with four other OBGYNs but has her own independent clients. In her own workplace, since she owns her own practice, she is able to set which days and times she wants to work and she communicates with her coworkers when she wants to take a vacation.

I always thought that a general hospital setting would best fit me as I like the idea of meeting a new person everyday and working in a big medical center with people of all different certifications. I was always fearful of working my own practice as I felt it would be lonely and difficult as I would not have a second opinion or help.

But as she detailed further into her unique situation, it alleviated my doubts as it highlighted how medicine is such a fluid filled: no matter where you practice or with you, you're still doing it to help others. And I will always hold that piece of advice very near to me.

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